Prof. Alberto Silva

19 May

The key topic of this lecture is "Requirements Engineering" and I propose to discuss some research that we have been conducted in the scope of the called "ITLingo initiative".

(For further information see e.g.,

To prepare this lecture, I suggest the following plan:

1) You shall select immediately one (1) paper from the following doodle
Then, You shall read the selected paper, prepare and give a 15-minute presentation during the period of the lecture.
(In that presentation You may also provide your analysis and discussion of the relevance and quality of that paper,
or provide a simple application example, etc.)

2) You shall also download the other papers (i.e., the papers not selected by yourself) and do a "quick reading"
to have a general understanding and make at least one (1) question to the colleague that presents a specific paper.

3) At the end of your presentation I may also put some questions, and I will be available to answer your questions and doubts.

See you next week!


Papers to be presented:

Paper-1: Silva, A.R.; Savi?, D. Linguistic Patterns and Linguistic Styles for Requirements Specification: Focus on Data Entities. Applied Sciences, 2021, 11, 4119.

Paper-2: Silva, A.R. Linguistic Patterns and Linguistic Styles for Requirements Specification: Focus on Use Cases and Scenarios
2021, INESC-ID Technical Report, Draft Version. Available from

Paper-3: Gonçalves, L., Silva, A. R., Towards a catalogue of reusable security requirements, risks and vulnerabilities,
Proceedings of ISD'2019, 2019.

Paper-4: Paiva, A. C., Maciel, D., & da Silva, A. R. (2019, May). From requirements to automated acceptance tests with the RSL language. In International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (pp. 39-57). Springer.