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Final Grades

2 julho 2020, 18:39 Carlos António Roque Martinho

As a result of the final meetings that took place this week, in which we reviewed your final assignments and grades, the final grades are out (please check the "temporary grade" section). Note that the grades of José Rocha are still under revision.

Please do not forget to let me know, by e-mail, when all your files are uploaded to the IST Google Drive provided during the meeting. As soon as I have all the files, I will submit the grades to the secretariat. I would like to have this done by Friday, July 10.

Finally, I would like to thank you again for having chosen to go through this course with me. I hope you have enjoyed this 2-month journey. Good luck for your future projects and keep in touch!

Final grade revision

30 junho 2020, 16:32

Final Report presentations

30 junho 2020, 16:28

New update on the presentation schedule

26 junho 2020, 10:18

Update on the final project presentation schedule

23 junho 2020, 10:06

Corpo Docente

Carlos António Roque Martinho

