Últimos anúncios

Submission and presentation of projects

21 outubro 2024, 18:34 Carlos Alves da Silva

Submission of reports:

  • Reports must be submitted in .pdf format to the following email: carlos.alves.silva@tecnico.ulisboa.pt
  • The file name should identify the shift and the group number (e.g., TANC_5_Report).
  • Deadline: 6:00 PM on October 23.



  • Presentation date: October 25 in room EA5.
  • Presentations must be in English and have a maximum duration of 10 minutes. All groups must remain in the room during the presentations.
  • At the end of each presentation, some questions will be asked by the faculty. All group members must participate in the presentation and respond to the questions.
  • After completing the presentation, it must be submitted in .pdf format by email (e.g., TANC_5_Presentation).

Report deliverable

15 outubro 2024, 12:17

Laboratory Classes

27 setembro 2024, 08:13

Project Groups

15 setembro 2024, 11:57


9 setembro 2024, 17:34

Corpo Docente

Carlos Alves da Silva



Eurico Gonçalves Assunção

João Pedro Pragana

Pedro Rosado