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MAPs from prior school years

6 janeiro 2025, 17:23 João Pedro Pragana

Dear Students,

I have uploaded two MAPs from previous school years on Fenix to support your preparation for the MAP scheduled on January 10th at 13:00. Please take note of the following when consulting these past MAPs:

  • Joining by forming processes were not evaluated in both past MAPs, but they will be included in the MAP on January 10th.
  • Some questions may address topics that were not fully covered in the current school year.
The January 10th MAP will have a duration of 1 hour. The questions will require direct or descriptive answers and will cover the powder metallurgy, additive manufacturing, and joining by forming processes taught in the theoretical classes of the course.

Best regards,

João Pragana

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Corpo Docente

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Eurico Gonçalves Assunção

João Pedro Pragana

Pedro Rosado