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Welcome to the course of Advanced Topics in AI

21 fevereiro 2018, 16:33 Francisco Melo

To complete this course, you must attend two modules, one of which must belong to the area of Artificial Intelligence and none of which have yet been used for obtaining credits in another Advanced Topics course. The two modules do not have to be attended in the same semester.

For the list of available modules you can consult the Module Listing and Schedule page. The modules available in the Spring semester are:

  • Semantic Web. Students interested in attending this module should contact Prof. Sofia Pinto.
  • Symbolic and Subsymbolic Learning. Students interested in attending this module should contact Prof. Andreas Wichert.
  • Affective computing. Students interested in attending this module should contact Prof. João Dias.

If you are not yet registered for advanced topics in AI, or you are but have yet to select the corresponding modules, please contact the main course instructor to let him know of the modules you are interested in completing.

Corpo Docente

Francisco Melo



Andreas Miroslaus Wichert

Helena Sofia Andrade Nunes Pereira Pinto