Textos de Apoio

(para além dos previamente indicados na bibliografia, que estão disponíveis na biblioteca departamental)

  • Fellows, P., "Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice", 2nd Ed. Ellis Horwood Ltd., Chichester (England), 2000
  • Penfield, M.P., Campbell, A.M., Evaluating food by sensory methods, in "Experimental Food Science", 3rd Ed., Academic Press, San Diego (USA), 1990
  • Gill, C.D., Molin, G., Modified atmospheres and vacuum packaging, in "Food Preservatives", Blackie and Son Ltd., Glasgow (UK), 1991
  • Pham, Q.T., Simplified equation for predicting the freezing time of foodstuffs, J. Food Technol. 21, 209-219, 1986
  • Ratti, C., Freeze-drying process design, in "Handbook of Food Process Design", Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2012
  • Radomisky et al., Elimination of pathogens of significance in food by low-dose irradiation: a review, J. Food Prot. 57, 73-86, 1994.pdf
  • Tahergorabi et al., Application of electron beam to inactivate Salmonella in food: recent developments, Food Res. Int. 45, 685-694, 2012
  • Ludikhuyze et al., High pressure and thermal denaturation kinetics of soybean lipoxygenase: a study based on gel electrophoresis, Lebensm.-Wiss. u.-Technol. 31, 680-686, 1998.
