
Final discussion

16 dezembro 2023, 11:00 Rodrigo Proença de Oliveira

Final discussion on the course topics and on the assignments.

Coastal Science and Engineering 3

7 dezembro 2023, 16:00 António Alberto Pires Silva

Wave breaking. Storm surge. Erosion. Coastal floding. Sea level rise. Risk. Pratical aplications.

Coastal Science and Engineering 2

30 novembro 2023, 11:00 António Alberto Pires Silva

Tides. Reference levels. Wind-generated waves - introductory aspects. Interaction between wind-generated waves and the borders: natural and men made. 

Coastal Science and Engineering 1

25 novembro 2023, 11:00 António Alberto Pires Silva

The coastal zone: forcing agents and the geomorphological content. Ecosystem service. EEZ.

Presentation and discussion of case studies

17 novembro 2023, 18:00 José Manuel De Saldanha Gonçalves Matos

Storm water and wastewater  case studies : The Lisbon Drainage Master Plan , Portugal; The Drainage and Sanitation Master Plan for the Greater Maputo Area, Mozambique,  and the Wastewater Treatment Plant Up-grading and water reuse of Ribeiro da Vinha, Mindelo- Cap Vert.