
Finding Information Flow Bugs

25 novembro 2019, 09:30 Ana Almeida Matos

Finding Information Flow Bugs with Symbolic Execution:

Motivation: Information flow bugs on the Web
Program Properties and Symbolic Execution
Self Composition + Symbolic Execution

Dynamic analysis of dynamic languages

22 novembro 2019, 11:00 Ana Almeida Matos

Web security and Dynamic Language.

Monitoring Information flow in Dynamic WHILE: Lock-step monitor for Dynamic WHILE.

The concept of Inlining compiler of a monitor.

Static analysis of high-level languages

22 novembro 2019, 09:30 Ana Almeida Matos

Type Systems for Information Flow.

Dynamic analysis of high-level languages

21 novembro 2019, 15:30 Ana Almeida Matos

Instrumentation of an off-the-shelf interpreter with of a Lock-step monitor for Information Flow.

Dynamic analysis

21 novembro 2019, 11:00 Ana Almeida Matos

Accepting vs. Transforming - mechanisms.

A monitor for Information flow analysis (WHILE): Small-step semantics for WHILE.

Labelled transitions.

Lock-step information flow monitor.