Métodos de Avaliação


T1 - test 1

T2 - test 2

P - project

O - oral presentation

E - exam ("época especial")

Normal students and "trabalhador-estudante"

  • Calculation of the final grade: 0,3*T1 + 0,3*T2 + 0,2*P + 0,2*O
  • The components T1 and T2 can be obtained during the first phase of the corresponding tests or the repetition ("repescagem") phase.  You can repeat one or both tests, and the highest grade will be used.
  • Conditions for approval: minimum grades of 9,5 on the average of both tests, 9,5 on the project and 9,5 on the oral presentation

"Época especial"

  • Calculation of the final grade:
    • E or
    • 0.8*E + 0.2*P (in case the student has done the project during the semester) or
    • 0.8*E + 0.2*O or (in case the student has done the oral presentation during the semester) or
    • 0.6*E + 0.2*P + 0.2*O (in case the student has done both the project and oral presentation during the semester)
  • Conditions for approval: minimum grades of 9,5 on the average of both tests, 9,5 on the project (if done) and 9,5 on the oral presentation (if done)

Partial grades from previous years
Students who have completed the partial components project and/or oral presentation in the year 2015/2016, and are registered in this year's edition of the course, can opt for using the grade obtained last year (as was published in Fenix) instead of performing the corresponding component this year.  In order to do this, the student must inform the teachers until September 30 the latest, specifying which component or components should be considered.  By default, it will be assumed that the option is not taken.  If this option is taken, the student will not be able to submit/perform the component again this year.