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Practical Test Information and Room Assignments

14 janeiro 2025, 11:34 Pedro Adão

Dear students,

As previously scheduled, the project will have a mandatory practical assessment on 15 January 2025. The test will be 90 minutes and your slot is either 9:30-11:00 or 11:00-12:30 depending on which one you registered.

The labs to be used are: Labs 2, 3, 4, 5 (in Alameda) and 0.21, 0.27, 1.19 (in Tagus). The lab assigned to each student is available here.

This test will check and evaluate

  • your acquaintance and understanding of the project you submitted
  • your ability to perform the tasks required for its development
  • your knowledge of the strengths and limitations of the submitted tool
  • your understanding of the precision of the submitted tool

This means that you should be able to perform a critical analysis of your solution and answer questions regarding the experimental part of the project, as well as extend or adapt the solution to new requirements.

The test is individual, and you will use one of the computers in your lab to answer the test.

Each student will be given access to a repository with the version of the project that was submitted by their group by the project deadline. You will use this personal repository to answer the questions of the test and submit the result. Expect this repository to have an answer sheet to answer the questions, and be ready to perform modifications/additions to your code according to the requirements in the test.

We stress again that we will use the computers in the labs so make sure that you are able to login, clone your gitlab project, and run your project in those computers. If you haven't yet done so, you should, in particular, get acquainted to the available text editors and shell.

During the test, Internet access will be limited to IST network. You will have access to a repository with the packages that you requested to be installed. Please check the Mattermost announcement for the details.

Good luck,


Project deadline extension to January 13, 5pm

9 janeiro 2025, 20:27

Project practical assessment, 15 January 2025. Registration open

7 janeiro 2025, 15:14

Project practical assessment, 15 January 2025

6 janeiro 2025, 11:49

Project is online

4 dezembro 2024, 16:59

Corpo Docente

Ana Almeida Matos



Pedro Adão



João Maria Henriques Madeira Pereira

Nuno Miguel da Silva Sabino