Métodos de Avaliação
L - Grades from the labs + writeups (6 evaluations) - writeups and flags should be submitted by Saturday 5pm, of each week.
P - project (tool + critical analysis test)
E - exam
Regular students (no special status)
Lab grade
The component E can be obtained during the "1a Época" or "2a Época".
If you do both, the highest grade will be used.
Conditions for approval: L >= 9.0 and E >= 8
Final grade:
- 0.15*L + 0.35*P + 0.5*E
Student workers ("trabalhador-estudante" status)
May opt to not perform the lab evaluations (component L).
Professors should be notified of this choice no later than 13 of December 2024.
Conditions for approval if option is taken: E >= 8
Final grade if option is taken:
0.35*P + 0.65*E
Época Especial
Students entitled to "Época especial" may opt to not perform the lab evaluations (component L) nor the project (component P).
Professors should be notified of this choice no later than 13 of December 2024.
Conditions for approval: L >= 9.0 and E >= 8, according to options, except if only the exam (component E) is taken.
Final grade if an option is taken, accordingly:
- E, or
- 0.85*E + 0.15*L (if only L component was performed during the trimester), or
- 0.65*E + 0.35*P (if only P component was performed during the trimester), or
- 0.5*E + 0.15*L + 0.35*P (if both L and P components were performed during the trimester)
Partial grades from previous years
Following the policy of the Scientific Area that Software Security is part of, partial grades from previous years may not be reused