Review of Exam 2 and Project (Revisão de Provas)

20 fevereiro 2023, 10:50 Pedro Adão

The opportunity to Review the evaluation of Exam 2 ("Revisão de Provas") and projects will take place in the following schedules: 

- Exam2 and Project Reports@Tagus, Wednesday 22Feb2023 at 11:00 (room 2N3-5)
- Exam2 and Project Reports@Alameda, Wednesday 22Feb2023 at 18:30 (room 0.09, Pavilhão Informática 3)
- Project Experimental Part@Zoom, Wednesday 22Feb2023 at 15:30 in Afonso Ribeiro's Zoom link

Students should attend the session in the campus where they did the exam.

The grades for Exam 2 will be published tonight. Grades for the project will be published tomorrow.