Métodos de Avaliação
L - Grades from the labs + writeups (6 evaluations) - writeups and flags should be submitted by Saturday 5pm, of each week.
P - project (tool + report)
E - exam
Regular students (no special status)
- Lab grade
- The component E can be obtained during the "1a Época" or "2a Época".
- If you do both, the highest grade will be used.
- Conditions for approval: P >= 9.0 and E >= 8
- Final grade:
- 0.15*L + 0.35*P + 0.5*E
Student workers ("trabalhador-estudante" status)
- May opt to not perform the lab evaluations (component L).
- Professors should be notified of this choice no later than 16 of December 2022.
- Conditions for approval: P >= 9.0 and E >= 8
- Final grade:
- 0.35*P + 0.65*E
Época Especial
- Students entitled to "Época especial" may opt to not perform the lab evaluations (component L).
- Professors should be notified of this choice no later than 16 of December 2022.
- Students entitled to "Época especial" may chose to develop a new project during "Época especial" or to use the grade of the project obtained during the semester (component P).
- Professors should be notified of this choice no later than 22 of February 2023.
- Conditions for approval: P >= 9.0 and E >= 8.
- Final grade if an option is taken, accordingly:
- 0.35*P + 0.65*E