Métodos de Avaliação
L - average of 4 best among L1-L5 - labs,
P - project
E - exam ("época especial")
Normal students
- Lab grade
- The component E can be obtained during the "1a Época" or "2a Época". If you do both, the highest grade will be used.
- Conditions of approval: L >= 9.0 and P >= 9.0 and E >= 9.5
- Final grade:
- 0.2*L + 0.3*P(2/3 experimental component + 1/3 report) + 0.5*E
- Can opt for not performing lab evaluations. Deadline for informing the teachers of this choice is 9 January 2022.
- Conditions of approval if option is taken: P >= 9.0 and E >= 9.5
- Final grade if option is taken:
- 0.3*P(2/3 experimental component + 1/3 report) + 0.7*E
"Época especial"
- Students entitled to "Época especial" can opt for not using lab evaluations or the project.
- Conditions of approval if option is taken: L >= 9.0 and P >= 9.0 and E >= 9.5, according to options
- Final grade if an option is taken, accordingly:
- E or
- 0.2*L + 0.8*E or
- 0.3*P(0.2 experimental component + 0.1 report) + 0.7*E
Partial grades from previous years
Following the policy of the Scientific Area that Software Security is part of, partial grades from previous years may not be reused. Only grades for students that are officially registered this year will be kept.