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Zoom classes on Finite element analysis

9 maio 2021, 16:27 Baiqiao Chen

Please find below the new link for the videoconference classes. 

https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/88187010228 (Meeting ID: 881 8701 0228)

Both theoretical and exercises classes will be held using this format following the course schedule from May 11. 

The FE structural models and analyses are to be developed using the ANSYS FEM software that can be downloaded at: https://www.ansys.com/academic/students/ansys-student (Windows 10 64-bit operating system is required)

Zoom classes on Subsea Production Systems (SSP)

25 fevereiro 2021, 13:16

Corpo Docente

Ângelo Palos Teixeira



Baiqiao Chen

Carlos Guedes Soares

Lis Mara Rocha Silva