Project topic selection

15 outubro 2019, 15:01 Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal

Exactly one student should represent the group. 

Login to Google for Education Técnico account (Fénix) - same as the one used for the mini-tests.
Then click the following form link:

In the form, identify your group as CXX, where C is replaced by A(lameda) or T(aguspark) and XX is replaced by the two digits of your group number, as assigned by Fénix. For example, group 22 of Taguspark is T22 and group 7 of Alameda is A07.

Also in the form, sort all the topics by order of preference. 
Number 1 will be your most preferred topic. Number 7 will be the least preferred.

There are limited vacancies per project topic and slots will be assigned on a first-come-first-served basis.

The topic selection will close on Friday, 20:00.
The official topic selection list will be posted after the process is concluded, to confirm the topic assigned to each group.

If there any issues, please contact the faculty via email: meic-sirs@...