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Next Monday's office hours

6 novembro 2015, 18:13 Naercio David Pedro Magaia

There will be no office hours with prof. Naércio Magaia next Monday, November 9th, from 13:30 to 15:00.

Prof. Miguel Pardal will be in the labs to discuss the submitted project plans with each group.

Office hours change

2 novembro 2015, 19:54

Project plans due

2 novembro 2015, 15:25

Project plan details available

26 outubro 2015, 09:58

Project selection list

23 outubro 2015, 11:00

Corpo Docente

Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal



Miguel Carvalho Valente Esaguy Coimbra

Naercio David Pedro Magaia

Ricardo Chaves