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Project presentation and demo submission

16 dezembro 2015, 10:52 Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal

Students that have already presented must submit their presentation on Fénix in PDF format.
This is required to complete the project evaluation

Students that presented a video demonstration can also upload their video to a public site (e.g. YouTube) and send an email with the public URL. A playlist of the best videos will be shared publicly after the project evaluation is finalized.
This is not required to complete the project evaluation, but is an opportunity for students to show the best of their work online.

Project presentation submission

11 dezembro 2015, 16:51

Test revision

9 dezembro 2015, 14:12

First test grades are published

9 dezembro 2015, 12:30

Project presentation schedule

9 dezembro 2015, 00:26

Corpo Docente

Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal



Miguel Carvalho Valente Esaguy Coimbra

Naercio David Pedro Magaia

Ricardo Chaves