
Special season project definition meeting

9 julho 2018, 11:10 Ricardo Chaves

Next Tuesday (9/7/2018) at 16h30, students applying for the Special season evaluation must attend a project definition meeting at INESC (Alameda).
This meeting will be used to define the project that each student must present.

Special season evaluation

9 julho 2018, 08:57 Ricardo Chaves

The special season evaluation consists of an individual  project assignment and an exam. Both have to be done, since none of the grades from previous evaluations can be reused.

The student being evaluated in the special season must contact the curse headmaster (ASAP) to set a meeting to discuss the project assignment.
The project proposal must include :
Problem (Given the chosen scenario, why is security necessary? What is the main problem being solved?)

Requirements (Which security requirements were identified for the solution? Present as list)

Proposed solution (overview with diagram and explanation. Be explicit about keys and how they will be distributed.)

Tool references (libraries, etc. that will be used in the project.)

Work plan

Recovery test grades and final grade are published

5 fevereiro 2018, 12:58 Ricardo Chaves

Recovery test grades and final grade are published

Test revision will be:

@Alameda: Wednesday, 7/2/2018 at 13h45.  F2
@tagus      : Thursday   , 8/2/2018 at 10h30. Room 2N3.17

Final grades updated

27 janeiro 2018, 17:44 Ricardo Chaves

Final grades sheet has been updated

No doubt session tomorrow

25 janeiro 2018, 15:27 Ricardo Chaves

Due to a department meeting there are no doubt sessions tomorrow (Friday 26/012018)