
1st test revision dates

1 janeiro 2017, 10:32 Ricardo Chaves

The 1st test revision will be at:

10:00 - Tuesday, 3rd of January 2017 in room 3N2.17 at Tagus.


14:00 - Tuesday, 3rd of January 2017 in room F2 at Alameda.

The grades will be posted today.
Happy new year.

Project grades

28 dezembro 2016, 17:09 Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal

The project grades are now published in the Grades/Pautas section.

2nd test topics

27 dezembro 2016, 16:29 Ricardo Chaves

The topics for the 2nd test will be mainly focused on the topics from Authentication Protocols (slide group 8) onwards.


13 dezembro 2016, 10:26 Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal

Please confirm your group enrollment in the presentation sessions. The session must be chaired by your Lab professor.

Additionally, the following recommendation has been added to the Project page, regarding the presentation:

"It is highly recommended that the presentation includes a slide with the architecture figure, a slide with the keys/certificates distribution, and slides with the protocol, step-by-step".

Presentation Schedule

9 dezembro 2016, 23:21 David Rogério Póvoa de Matos

The presentation sessions with the corresponding rooms and enrolled groups are now available on the following document.

Please confirm that your group was correctly registered in your session and that the session chair professor is the correct one.