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Project plan details available
26 outubro 2015, 09:59 • Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal
The official project topic selections was updated. Please confirm that your group is correctly assigned to the project topic.
The next step is to write the project plan document. Information about the plan was added to the 'Project' section .
The plan document is due on the week of November 2nd, one day after the lab shift of your group at 20:00.
a group enrolled on a Monday shift must submit the project plan by Tuesday, November 3rd, 20:00.
A group enrolled on a Thursday shift must submit the project plan by Friday, November 6th, 20:00
Project selection list
23 outubro 2015, 10:59
Cryptography lab guide published
23 outubro 2015, 10:21
Project selection poll
20 outubro 2015, 11:07
Project topic selection
20 outubro 2015, 10:48