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Project presentations
4 dezembro 2015, 16:58 • Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal
After the project submission, the lab sessions are finalized.
The final theoretical lecture will be on Friday, December 11th.
The project presentations will be on the following dates for groups enrolled on Thursday labs:
Thursday, December 10th 14:30-16:00
Thursday, December 10th 16:30-18:00
Thursday, December 17th 14:30-16:00
Thursday, December 17th 16:30-18:00
And on the following dates for groups enrolled on Monday labs:
Tuesday, December 15th 12:30-14:00
Tuesday, December 15th 14:00-15:30
Friday, December 18th 11:00-12:30 14:00-15:30 (correção)
Groups must sign up with their number for a presentation slot to present their work (see 'Project' section for more details on the presentation).
The sign up page will appear here on Monday, December 7th 12:00.
Project submission
4 dezembro 2015, 10:14
No lectures this Tuesday (1/12/2015)
30 novembro 2015, 16:49
Thursday project support
25 novembro 2015, 11:38
Monday project support - November 23
18 novembro 2015, 22:58