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Final and Exam 2 - Grade sheets published
10 fevereiro 2025, 23:20 • Ricardo Chaves
Dear students,
Please find the grade sheets of the exam at: https://fenix.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/disciplinas/SIRS11/2024-2025/1-semestre/grade-sheets
We inform you that the revision of the exams will take place next Thursday, February 13th, in the following time slots:
- Alameda campus: 15:00 - 16:00 at room 208 @INESC
- TagusPark campus: 17:00 - 18:00 at room 2N3.17
Thank you
The SIRS teachers
Doubt Schedule Today
6 fevereiro 2025, 09:47
Doubt schedule
2 fevereiro 2025, 17:09
Exam 1 - Grade sheets published
30 janeiro 2025, 17:01
Doubt schedule
21 janeiro 2025, 12:06
Corpo Docente
Mafalda Sofia Carvalho Ferreira
Martim Rosa Monis
Miguel Cunha da Silva Eleutério