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Research Seminar in Probability and Statistics I - #10

12 janeiro 2015, 16:32 Manuel Cabral Morais

Anticipative Transmission Planning under Uncertainty

Verena Hagspiel
(Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management, Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

January 21 (Wedn.), 11:30

Room P3.10
(Math. Building, IST, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa)

Transmission system operators (TSOs) build transmission lines to take generation capacity into account. However, their decision is confounded by policies that promote renewable energy technologies. Thus, what should be the size of the transmission line to accommodate subsequent generation expansion? Taking the perspective of a TSO, we use a real options approach not only to determine the optimal timing and sizing of the transmission line but also to explore its effects on generation expansion.


Research Seminar in Probability and Statistics I - #8

5 dezembro 2014, 15:18

Research Seminar in Probability and Statistics I - #7

21 novembro 2014, 13:56

Research Seminar in Probability and Statistics I - #9

12 novembro 2014, 14:33

Research Seminar in Probability and Statistics I - #6

7 novembro 2014, 11:30

Corpo Docente

Manuel Cabral Morais

