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Submission of the reports of group projects
17 dezembro 2018, 23:19 • Carlos Baleizão
The deadline for the reports of group projects is 6th January 2019, by email as pdf file to both coordinators. The final reports should be
approx. 10,000 to 12,000 words long, using a 1.5 line spacing and letter
pitch 12. Annexes do not count for the extension of the report, but
should be short, if any. Quotations of references should be made in the
same way of individual essays.Do not forget that all texts will be checked for plagiarism.
Submission of the individual essays
16 novembro 2018, 11:12
Team Projects final presentations
29 outubro 2018, 10:26
Presentation of the reports of group projects
25 outubro 2018, 19:43