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Grades for the 2nd SIBD exam
4 fevereiro 2020, 09:08 • Bruno Emanuel Da Graça Martins
The grades for the 2nd SIBD exam have been published online.
Students will be able to analyse the corrections for their exams, together with a solution proposal, by next Friday, February the 7th by 11h00 (Room 0.17, Informática II Building).
Grades + revisions on the 1st SIBD exam
21 janeiro 2020, 07:55
Office Hours update
6 janeiro 2020, 20:37
Preparation for the 1st exam
30 dezembro 2019, 15:14
Discussions for the course project and other announcements.
9 dezembro 2019, 15:14
Corpo Docente
Francisco Regateiro
João Granado Marques