
Lab 10 Transações

27 novembro 2017, 11:00 Miguel Antão Pereira Amaral

Os alunos experimentaram e aprenderam a usar transacções em sistemas de bases de dados, seguindo o guião de laboratório 10.

Lab 10 Transactions

27 novembro 2017, 09:30 Francisco Regateiro

Final developments for the 3rd delivery.

Doing the Lab 10 PDF guide on experimenting with transactions. 

Query performance and optimization

24 novembro 2017, 09:30 Mário Gaspar da Silva

Sequential scans. Indexes. Hash indexes. B+ tree indexes. Creating indexes in SQL. Performance comparison. Default indexes. Typical query optimization. Problems when overusing indexes. Execution plans.

Database transactions

21 novembro 2017, 11:00 Mário Gaspar da Silva

Transactions and their properties. Implicit and explicit control of transactions. Problems when running multiple concurrent transactions. Isolation levels and their undesired effects. Executing transactions with PHP and PDO.

Lab​ ​Session​ ​9:​ ​PHP​ ​and​ ​MySQL

20 novembro 2017, 15:30 Francisco Regateiro

Exercices from Lab 9 guide.

Development of group project 3rd part.
Discussion and feedback for project part 2.