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Assignment E3 - Question 6 (Data Analytics Queries) is now optional

20 dezembro 2022, 12:41 Paulo Carreira

Dear students, 

In virtue of the short time to go through the Data Analytics laboratory material, we have decided to make the Data Analytics question of the assignment E3 optional. Those students that may had planned to answer this question will have it graded as a bonus. 

Please find the updated evaluation grid in the 'Project' section in the course web page.

N.B.: This topic will still come up in test TE2 and in the Exam as we will practice it in the lab classes of 02/JAN/2023.

Tests / Exam - Important information - Final anouncement

15 dezembro 2022, 09:07

Class recording of Dec 13th

15 dezembro 2022, 08:57

Zoom link for today's (Dec 13th) LAB Classes - Room V1.20.1

13 dezembro 2022, 15:39

Zoom link for today's (Dec 13th) class

13 dezembro 2022, 13:58

Corpo Docente

Paulo Carreira



Francisco Regateiro

Pedro Miguel Leão Veloso Dias