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Exam 2 SEITSF: solutions and grades

12 julho 2023, 11:11 Paulo Jose da Costa Branco

Dear students,
In these links you have the proposed solution for exam2 and grades for those present in the exam:



Exam consultation will be Friday at 11:00 in the morning. Please, if you plan to come, warn me and Catarina also

All the best
Paulo Branco

Set Enrollment Period for 2º Exam SEITSF

4 julho 2023, 18:48

Publicação de Notas

14 maio 2023, 19:17

IEhhhhhh!!! it is Friday :)) + Projects_grades SEITSF on section "Exams"

12 maio 2023, 11:21

Good morning to all! Laboratory grades also in the exams section!

6 maio 2023, 11:46

Corpo Docente

Paulo Jose da Costa Branco



João Filipe Pereira Fernandes