
Lab 6A

4 dezembro 2018, 14:30 Maria José Resende

Testing the three phase induction machine; no load test, blocked test and resistive load test.

Lecture class no. 21

29 novembro 2018, 10:00 Gil Marques

Study of the induction motor electromechanical characteristic.

No-load and short-circuit tests. Operation connected to the network.

Lab 5B

28 novembro 2018, 10:30 Maria José Resende

Single phase Transformer; no-load test, short-circuit test and resistive load test.

Problem class

28 novembro 2018, 09:30 Gil Marques

Computing an operating point in a induction motor.

Lecture class no. 20

28 novembro 2018, 08:00 Gil Marques

Interpreting the equivalent circuit. Computing currents, losses and powers. The torque expression.

Operation as motor, generator and brake.