
Lecture class no. 25

13 dezembro 2018, 10:00 Gil Marques

Synchronous machine isolated from the newtwork. Resistive, inductive and capacitive load. Synchronous machine connected to na infinite bus. 

Lab 6B

12 dezembro 2018, 10:30 Maria José Resende

Testing the three phase induction machine; no load test, blocked test and resistive load test.

Problem class

12 dezembro 2018, 09:30 Gil Marques

Starting wound induction machines using rotor resistances.

Lecture class no. 24

12 dezembro 2018, 08:00 Gil Marques

Introduction to the synchronous machine. Model. No-load and short circuit tests. Determining the synchronous reactance.

Lab 6B

11 dezembro 2018, 14:30 Maria José Resende

Testing the three phase induction machine; no load test, blocked test and resistive load test.