Últimos anúncios

Presentation of papers - clarification

12 abril 2018, 19:46 Miguel Matos

Each group of students should pick one and only one paper to present.

The choice will be done through Doodle.
The Doodle links will be posted as an announcement tomorrow, Friday 13, at noon.

Make sure you identify the group as GXX, where XX is the group number.
All group members are expected to present - further details will be provided at a later stage.

Doodle for paper presentations

12 abril 2018, 19:43

Presentations of papers

11 abril 2018, 20:08

Project 1st stage presentation - Alameda

9 abril 2018, 23:28

2nd stage of the project

7 abril 2018, 12:19

Corpo Docente

Miguel Matos



Paolo Romano

