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New laboratory shifts

8 março 2021, 12:58 Miguel Matos

Dear students,

To keep the size of each laboratorial shift small, and ensure we can better support students in the labs, we have opened two new  shifts:
Mondays 12:30 (Alameda)
Tuesdays:  08:00 (Tagus)

Students that do have not registered yet, should register in one of those shifts.
To better balance the load, we will also allow groups to move from their existing shifts to one of those.
Groups that want to change shifts should inform us by e-mail (Profs. J. Martinho, M. Matos and P. Romano).
This will be done in a first-come first-served basis, and if demand for the new shifts is high we might have to deny some requests.

Lab. Discord

5 março 2021, 14:13

Lab. registration

2 março 2021, 13:57


26 fevereiro 2021, 12:49

Corpo Docente

Miguel Matos



Paolo Romano



João Gonçalves

João Vasco Estrela Martinho