
Blockchain and Smart Cards (aula online)

12 maio 2021, 09:30 Paolo Romano

Alternatives toProof-of-Work 

Introduction to Smart Cards 
Smart Cards Characteristics

Implementation of project (stage 2) (aula online)

12 maio 2021, 08:00 João Vasco Estrela Martinho

Implementation of stage 2.

Implementation of project (stage 2) (aula online)

11 maio 2021, 14:00 João Vasco Estrela Martinho

Implementation of stage 2.

Blockchain (aula online)

11 maio 2021, 12:30 Miguel Matos

PoW consensus and properties

Blockchain (aula online)

10 maio 2021, 13:30 Paolo Romano

Proof of Work

Analysis of the security guarantees provided by Proof of Work mechanisms