
Implementation of the project (stage 1) (aula online)

31 março 2020, 14:00 Pedro Daniel Rogeiro Lopes

Discussion of the project guide.

Choosing technologies, sketching and implementation of the project.

Distributed systems abstractions (aula online)

31 março 2020, 12:30 Miguel Matos

Failure Detection and Leader Election in the Byzantine model
Quorums and Byzantine Quorums
Introduction to the Broadcast problem

Distributed systems abstractions (aula online)

30 março 2020, 13:30 Miguel Matos

Failure Detection and Leader Election in the Byzantine model
Quorums and Byzantine Quorums
Introduction to the Broadcast problem

Implementation of the project (stage 1) (aula online)

30 março 2020, 11:00 Pedro Daniel Rogeiro Lopes

Discussion of the project guide.

Choosing technologies, sketching and implementation of the project.

Implementation of the project (stage 1) (aula online)

26 março 2020, 11:00 Pedro Daniel Rogeiro Lopes

Discussion of the project guide.

Choosing technologies, sketching and implementation of the project.