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Second exam results

28 fevereiro 2022, 21:35 Marcelino Bicho dos Santos

The evaluation results of the second exam were just published.

Students may review the exam on Wednesday 2nd of March, at 10am, in the lab.
In case you want to review the exam, send an email to marcelino.santos@tecnico... requesting the review in the proposed schedule (or in an alternative one).

First exam evaluation results

14 fevereiro 2022, 17:05

Lab 6 issue with 5V IOs

4 fevereiro 2022, 14:56

Lab 6 news

2 fevereiro 2022, 12:56

SoC_Labs_1v4.pdf has additional info for Labs 5 and 6

16 janeiro 2022, 15:28

Corpo Docente

Marcelino Bicho dos Santos



Fernando Manuel Duarte Gonçalves