
  • SCDTR-Project-2015-2016-Part-2, page 4,1st equation: should be  d_{i-1} (t_{i} - t_{i-1}) instead of d_{i-1} (t_{i-1} - t_{i})
  • SCDTR-Project-2015-2016-Part-2, page 7, client request and server response for accumulated confort error at desk i should be "g c <i>" and "c <i> <val>" instead of "g e <i>" and "e <i> <val>", respectivelly.
  • SCDTR-Project-2015-2016-Part-2, page 7, client request and server response for total confort error should be "g c T" and "c T <val>" instead of "g e T" and "e T <val>", respectivelly.
