
Ubuntu + ROS Kinetic + Gazebo available in LSDC4 Desktops

27 outubro 2018, 17:26 Pedro Urbano Lima

Ubuntu + ROS Kinetic + Gazebo have been installed in some of LSDC4 desktops and all Autonomous Systems students can use the software when working in the Lab. Check with Mr. Manuel Ribeiro which are the actual desktops where the software is installed.

No Theory Class Thursday, 25 Oct

20 outubro 2018, 14:55 Pedro Urbano Lima

There will be no Theory class on Thursday, 25 October.

No Theory Classes this coming week

28 setembro 2018, 08:44 Pedro Urbano Lima

As announced previously in class, there will be no Theory classes on Tuesday, 2, and Thursday, 4 October.

Hands-on demos with ROS an Pioneer robots will take place that week as scheduled: 2 and 4 Oct 17:00-18:30, room LSDC4 (Tuesday lab groups  + half of Friday Lab groups on Oct 2; Thursday lab groups + other half of Friday lab groups on Oct 4).


Project assignment

26 setembro 2018, 22:12 Rodrigo Ventura

The assignment of projects and shift to registered groups in fenix can be found in the Projects section.

Rodrigo Ventura

Course details and schedule online

13 setembro 2018, 19:24 Pedro Urbano Lima

Slides with details regarding the labs schedule and the course assessment are available in the slides section of the page (pdf file "Course Presentation").