

28 setembro 2017, 14:00 Pedro Urbano Lima

World representation using maps. Map types (metric, topological, hybrid) and kinds (free space, object representation, composite, logical maps).

ROS mini-course - part 2

26 setembro 2017, 18:30 Rodrigo Ventura

Hands-on session on ROS using simulation.

Introduction to autonomous Systems - part II

26 setembro 2017, 14:00 Pedro Urbano Lima

Tour through different autonomous systems.

ROS mini-course - part 2

25 setembro 2017, 18:30 Rodrigo Ventura

Hands-on session on ROS using simulation.

ROS mini-course - part 1

21 setembro 2017, 18:30 Rodrigo Ventura

Fundamentals of ROS. Concepts of node, topic, and service. Message types. Command line tools.