For the students who opt to accomplish the Lab part of the course as a standalone project, the Lab will be worth 50% of the grading, which with the averaged with the theoretical part (remaining 50%), which consists of 2 tests.
1) Development of Wi-Fi based multiplayer game as Android App
The objective is to develop a multiplayer game in which Android users within Wi-Fi radio range can participate. The Wi-Fi Direct interface will be used to manage the wireless session. Suggestions for games are the following: cards games (Bisca, Sueca, Poker, etc.), shoot'em up games (High Noon, War of Cupids (invented by me), etc.), etc. Examples of Android Apps using Wi-Fi Direct can be easily found on the Web.
2) Development of music recognition client/server Android App
The objective is to develop an App for audio recognition based on the Shazam algorithm ( Although audio processing is not directly related with the course's subject areas, some signal processing techniques (namely Fourier Analysis) also form the basis of radio communications. Besides, client-server functionality can be added, which requires wireless communication. This project can also be a point of departure for future work on improving music recognition in smartphones, which could be exploited in an M.Sc. thesis.
3) Development of Internet of Things sensor monitoring based on SigFox, Arduino and Android
The SigFox network offers a wireless service for use by machine-to-machine (M2M) applications. It uses the free frequency bands of 868 MHz (EU) and 900 MHz (US). The SigFox network already presents national-wide coverage in France, Spain and Portugal. The objective of the project is to monitor a an Arduino based sensor device, send temperature and link quality data to a server. An Android App will also be developed, which acesses the server, requests sensor readings and presents the sensor data in a user-friendly way. It also allows the configuration of alarms on temperature thresholds.
4) Development of Internet of Things sensor monitoring based on IEEE 802.15.4, MICAz and Android
IEEE 802.15.4 is a wireless standard for low power low bit rate applications. The MICAz mote includes an IEEE 802.15.4 radio chip, which operates in the 2.4 GHz frequency band. The objective of the project is to monitor a MICAz motes equipped with movement detection sensors. Movement sensor alarms are sent to a web server through a gateway running on a PC. Other MICAz motes equipped with an MTS300 board activate a buzzer upon alarm detection. An Android App will also be developed, which acesses the server and displays alarm events to the user. It also allows the configuration of the buzzers.
5) Implementation of multi-channel Wireless Sensor Network in MicaZ motes (IEEE 802.15.4 capable), using the TinyOS execution environment
The objective is to implement an opportunistic Wireless Sensor Network, where the communication channel is dynamically selected based on the background noise and/or other evaluation criteria. The nodes scan the available spectrum for announcements from other nodes and, if they have data to transmit and the other node is closer to the sink, they establish a link and data is exchanged.
6) Implementation of RPL in OMNET++
OMNET++ is a generic discrete event simulator. Its INET framework already supports IPv6 among other networking protocols. The project consists of implementing the RPL routing protocol in OMNET++/INET, presenting a suitable interface to the IPv6 network layer.
7) Implementation of 6LowPAN in OMNET++
OMNET++ is a generic discrete event simulator. Its INET framework already supports IPv6 among other networking protocols. The IPv6 long header is very inefficient in low data rate wireless networks (e.g., IEEE 802.15.4). The project consists of implementing the 6LowPAN header compression mechanism in OMNET++/INET.
8) Implementation of RPL in ns-3
ns-3 is a network simulator, which already supports IPv6 among other networking protocols. The project consists of implementing the RPL routing protocol in ns-3, presenting a suitable interface to the IPv6 network layer.
9) More to come...
Bring your idea! We are also open to analyse student project proposals, as long as they are directly related with the course's subject area.