
Final scores after the Recovery Exam and Exam revision

28 junho 2016, 18:21 António Manuel Raminhos Cordeiro Grilo

The final scores after the Recovery Exam were already published.

The revision of the exam will take place Monday, 4th July 2016 16:00 at INESC. 

Recovery Exam 28/06/2016: Scheduling

23 junho 2016, 16:50 António Manuel Raminhos Cordeiro Grilo

The Recovery Exam will comprise two independent test sessions: 

08:00-09:30 - Test that covers the 1st part of the course's program
09:30-11:00 - Test that covers the 2nd part of the course's program

The students are allowed to make either or both of the tests. However, for the students who only wish to attend the 2nd test, it is useless to attend before 09:30.

Final scores after revision of the 2nd test

23 junho 2016, 14:26 António Manuel Raminhos Cordeiro Grilo

The final scores after revision of the 2nd Test were already published.

Grading after 2nd Test

16 junho 2016, 17:14 António Manuel Raminhos Cordeiro Grilo

The final scores after the 2nd Test were already published. The revision of the 2nd Test will take place on Tuesday 21/06/2016 at 17:00, at INESC.

2nd Test: Room

10 junho 2016, 17:57 António Manuel Raminhos Cordeiro Grilo

Please, note that the room of the 2nd Test is now EA2.