Últimos anúncios

Your attention, please!

5 março 2018, 19:57 José Luís Pinto de Sá

Dear students,

Because there are some newcomers, mostly from abroad, we clarify again some points for all of you:
  1. Everybody must subscribe the FORUM and pay attention to what is written there (through circulating emails).
  2. To have a valid assessment at the end of the course, you must be enrolled in the course. That enrollment depends on the rules of the school and on the school office, and also on the agreements with your home school, but not on us.
  3. For us, you must subscribe one pair of students to do your projects. First, you have to find a colleague to join in the pair. Next, you have to be enrolled in the Fénix group, in order to receive particular data and specific notes and assessments. This has nothing to do with the enrollment in the course.
  4. If you are from abroad and you don't understand spoken portuguese, you must attend the project-solving classes of monday.
  5. Use the forum to write your doubts and questions. We'll try to answer in real time.


20 fevereiro 2018, 03:48

Corpo Docente

Rui Jorge Lucas Faria