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First Test of Renewable Energy Resources

30 abril 2008, 19:51 António Franco de Oliveira Falcão

The First Test on Renewable Energy Resources will take place on 9th May (Friday), at 18h00, in Rooms V114 and V115.
The Test will be about the Chapters:
- Introduction (1st lecture)
- Hydroelectric energy
- Wind energy
- Ocean Energy
The Test will consist of Part 1 (the students have no access to written information), and Part 2 (open acess to text books, photocopies, printed or handwritten sheets, etc.).
The total maximum duration is 3 hours.
Each student is expected to bring with him or her a calculator. However students will not be allowed to use laptop PCs during the test.
Answers will be accepted in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish languages.
Best regards,
Antonio Falcao

Corpo Docente

António Franco de Oliveira Falcão

