
The objective of this evaluation component is to provide students with the opportunity to explore the link between learned concepts and real applications.



Students can enroll either for "Article analysis" or "Hands-on project"

These works are developed in Groups of 3 (this number is mandatory, except in especially agreed cases). Register the group at the FENIX "Groups" tool.

Each Group has to submit by e-mail a PPT with preliminary work, during week 4, and the final PPT at the end of the trimester to support the oral presentation. Being a continuous evaluation component, the progress will be monitored and classified. 

# Content of the first PPT:
10-15 slides with the following sections;
 1 - Title slide
 2 - Explanation of the motivation and objectives
 3 - State of the art (case of article)
   - Or simulation results and all design parameter values required for lab tests (case of mini-project) 

# Oral presentation:
Final PPT with 20 slides (+5 in the case of articles when own developments are included, and in the case of mini-projects), including cover and bibliography. Duration 20-25 minutes, depending on referred number of slides. Mandatory sections: 

 1 - Title slide;
 2 - Motivation and study context (in case of an article, include its full citation information);
 3 - Brief presentation of the state of the art on the subject;
 4 - Explanation of the specific approach taken by the authors to solve the problem;
 5 - Group's own developments on the subject (in case of articles only, and it is optional);
 6 - Conclusions on the success and limitations of the work to solve the proposed problem;
 7 - List of bibliography used for 3)

The final PPT must be submitted by e-mail up to 2 days before the scheduled date for the presentation. 


Items under appreciation:

- Work conducted during the trimester (monitored through meetings and interaction with the professor); 
- Quality of the ppt and of the presentation;
- Extent of the state of the art;
- Technical correctness of the content and its interpretation;
- Relevance and depth of own developments (if included);
- Answers to questions following the presentation;

The classification for the Groups will be assigned by levels: 0 (fail), 8 (insufficient), 12 (fair), 15 (good), 17 (very good). 
Experimental projects, and article works with validated own developments may reach a grade > = 18 (excellent) if the quality justifies. 

Grades may be individual for members of the Group, when performance asymmetries are apparent during the course of the project and during the discussion.

For each work presentation, the Groups have the possibility of asking questions to the Group during the presentation, and may receive Quiz bonus points (max 3), if the question is considered pertinent. 

Proposed works

Groups have to send an e-mail stating the group number and the order of preference from 1 to 3 (1 highest preference). If more than one Group shows the same level of preference for a given work, the tie will be resolved by draw. 

Groups can propose alternative articles, or alternative projects, subject to positive review and acceptance.


Hands-on projects

 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5     Assignment Remarks 
A3   3       
 P2 2         
 P3 1 
 P4 3 1       G2 
 P6  1      G3