
Final Scores

4 março 2022, 23:53 Carlos António Cardoso Fernandes

The final scores of RCSen are available in the usual section. You can find as well the details of the Quizzes score, in the respective webpage.

Carlos Fernandes

Grades of Exam 1

21 fevereiro 2022, 20:10 Carlos António Cardoso Fernandes

The grades of the first Exam are already available in FENIX.
The solution of the exam was posted yesterday. If you want to see the correction of your exam, I will scan and send.

The grades of the Quizzes, and the final mark will be posted tomorrow.

Carlos Fernandes 


9 fevereiro 2022, 12:43 Carlos António Cardoso Fernandes

The exam questions will be in English, but you are free to answer in Portuguese or English. It is advisable to use IST standard exam response sheets.

You can take for consultation during the exam, the official Lecture Notes Book, and the official Slides posted in FENIX. Therefore, no formula sheet is provided or needed.

The official Lecture Notes Book exceeds largely the course content. The course content is stated in the summaries in FENIX, and corresponds exactly to the slides collection posted in FENIX.  

Carlos Fernandes

Support session

9 fevereiro 2022, 03:35 Carlos António Cardoso Fernandes

Feb 9, 2022, 12:00 in the usual Zoom link

Carlos Fernandes 

Update of the Imager code

14 janeiro 2022, 21:32 Carlos António Cardoso Fernandes

A new version of the Imager code is available, that corrects minor plot scale issues and antenna and target markers.

Carlos Fernandes