
Lesson 8 - Introduction to random graphs

9 outubro 2015, 14:00 Francisco Correia dos Santos

Erdös and Renyi (ER) Model. Properties of the ER model: Degree distribution,  Clustering Coeff., Average path Length, Max. degree, etc. Analysis of giant components. Introduction to phase transition and critical phenomena.

Neighborhood function and properties

5 outubro 2015, 14:00 Alexandre Francisco

Neighborhood properties of graphs. Neighborhood function. Average distance and degrees of separation. Related statistics. Computing the neighborhood function for large networks.

Laboratory 02

2 outubro 2015, 15:30 Alexandre Francisco

Exercises on clustering coefficient, local clustering coefficient, closeness centrality and betweenness centrality. Data sets exploration with Gephi and SNAP.

Closeness and betweenness centrality

2 outubro 2015, 14:00 Alexandre Francisco

Closeness centrality. Betweenness centrality. All pairs shortest paths: different approaches and algorithms. Brandes' algorithm and related approaches.

Clustering coefficient

28 setembro 2015, 14:00 Alexandre Francisco

Transitivity. Clustering coefficient. Local clustering coefficient. Counting triangles. Reciprocity. Graph motifs.