
Aulas Teóricas

Apresentação e Introdução

Informações sobre a UC.

Introdução ao fluxo de projecto de sistemas digitais.


Introduction to VHDL (1-16)


Introduction to VHDL (17-40)


Introduction to VHDL (41-71)


Introduction to VHDL (72-end)

Introduction to RTL

Introduction to RTL (1-19)

Design Flow and Main Design Tasks

Register-Transfer Level Methodology

Direct “dataflow” implementation

Resource Sharaing Datapath Example


Architectural Synthesis

Architectural Synthesis  (1 - 22)

Architectural Synthesis Tasks: Resource Selection / Allocation, Scheduling, Resource Binding

Architectural Synthesis Example (Introduction)

Architectural Synthesis (2)

Architectural Synthesis  (23 - 50)

ASAP and ALAP Scheduling.
List Scheduling: Priority on the Critical Path; Priority on the Mobility.

Detailed Architectural Implementation

Architectural Synthesis (3)

Architectural Synthesis  (51 - 70)

Architectural Optimization by Pipelining.

Hierarchical control structures.

Architectural Optimization - final summary.

Logic Synthesis

Logic Synthesis (1 - 25)

Sequential Logic Synthesis.

Synchronization of FSMs.

Microcode based Control Units.

FSM Enconding main options.


Logic Synthesis

Logic Synthesis (26 - 45)

ISE Design Flow.

Synthesis Contraints Objectives.

Optimization Timing Domains.

Logic Synthesis

Logic Synthesis (46 - 70)

Device Resource Utilization.

Speed Optimization Under Area Constraint.

Flip-Flop Retiming.

Multi-level synthesis.

Implementation Overview for FPGAs.

FPGA Devices

FPGA Devices (1 - 29)

Device Technologies - In the “fab”; In the “field”

Basic FPGA Model

Spartan-3 Family Architecture

FPGA Devices

FPGA Devices (30 - 47)

LUT Resources in a Slice

Distributed RAM

LUTs as Shift Registers

Dedicated Multiplexers

Dedicated carry logic

Intro to 18-Kbit Block RAM

FPGA Devices

FPGA Devices (48 - 67)

Block RAM Memory: Organizations and Aspect Ratios.

Dual-Port RAM Components.

Port Address Mapping.

Inferring and Initializing Block RAM. Write Modes.

Embedded Multipliers.

FPGA Devices and USB to FPGA interface

FPGA Devices (68 - 71)

FPGA Routing Resources and Global Clock Network.

Interface USB to FPGA (1-11)

FPGA Arithmetic (1)

FPGA Arithmetic (1 - 22)

FPGA Carry chains.

Adder/Subtractor Implementations.

FPGA Arithmetic (2)

FPGA Arithmetic (23 - 45)

Multiplier Implementations.

Pipelining Multipliers.

FPGA Arithmetic (3)

FPGA Arithmetic (46 - 64)

Booth Multipliers.

Divider Implementations.

FPGA Arithmetic (4)

FPGA Arithmetic (65 - 87)

Fixed-point Representation and Arithmetic.

Introduction to floating-point representation.

FPGA Arithmetic (5)

FPGA Arithmetic (86 - 105)

Floating-point arithmetic.

Decimal Arithmetic.

Table-based approximation of Elementary Functions.

Clock Distribution and Sinchronization

Clock distribution and sinchronization (1-24)

Global Clock Network

Constraints on Clock Skew

Digital Clock Managers


FPGA Overview (1)

FPGA Overview (1-24)

XILINX FPGAs: Configurable Logic Blocks, Block RAMs, Embedded Multipliers, Hard- and Soft-Microprocessor Cores.


FPGA Overview (2)

FPGA Overview (25-54)

Altera FPGAs: Logic, Array and Memory Blocks. Soft-processor.

Example of Actel FPGAs.

System-on-Chip FPGAs.

Run-time reconfiguration and the virtual hardware concept.


Asynchronous Circuits

Asynchronous Circuits (1-16)

Self-timed and asynchronous design.

Self-timed micropipelines.

GALS - Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous Systems.

Dual-Clock FIFOs as an efficient interface between different clock domains.