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Notes and Problems on Membranes & Laboratory Guide - Available at AEIST on 11-11 // Labs. registration
2 novembro 2024, 01:00 • Diná Afonso
Dear students,
Welcome to Advanced Separation Processes - 1st semester 2024/2025, P2.
The classes will start next Wednesday (13/11).On Monday afternoon (11/11), some Notes on Membranes (in portuguese), the Problems on Membranes (in english), and the Laboratory Guide (in portuguese and english) will be available at AEIST, Secção de Folhas (near football camp).
registration in the lab groups (4 students) will take place in Fénix,
Groups, from Saturday (9/11, 9:00) until Wednesday (13/11, 23:59). Students may register in the shifts
on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays or Fridays (14:00-16:00). Each group will carry out 3 experimental works, i.e., it
will come to the lab thrice (see Labs_planning in Sections, Labs). Groups will be identified sequentially by the numbers 2.1 - 2.6
(Mondays), 3.1 - 3.6 (Tuesdays), 5.1 - 5.6 (Thursdays) and 6.1 -
6.3 (Fridays).
Mini-reports must be delivered in paper (identified with group number) 7 days after
the experimental work was executed. A laptop per group is recommended and a pen-drive is required to save ED1
Students approved in the labs. and NF/RO project in previous years do not need to repeat them, except for grades improvement.
Best wishes for an excellent period P2.