Extra Mile 1 e 2

11 janeiro 2019, 10:02 Sofia Sá

Bom dia!

A Extra mile 1 (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SneXUUoXx_A-8qOzG2lvj_y-IN4fjzKo/view?usp=sharing) e a Extra mile 2 (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sq0jGNTJcq11hMRkEE_RyNIHEbYXq5MR/view?usp=sharing) podem ainda ser realizadas até dia 12 de janeiro. 

Espero que a entrega do projeto tenha corrido lindamente e que os exames também estejam a correr.

Um magnífico fim de semana,

Good Morning!

Extra mile 1 (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SneXUUoXx_A-8qOzG2lvj_y-IN4fjzKo/view?usp=sharing) and Extra mile 2 (https://drive.google.com/file/d / 1sq0jGNTJcq11hMRkEE_RyNIHEbYXq5MR / view? Usp = sharing) can still be delivered by January 12.
I hope that the delivery of the project and the exams are going great!

Have a great weekend,
