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Remote Sensing Course. Paolo Paron.

20 dezembro 2017, 17:17 Maria Teresa Condesso de Melo

5-9 February 2018, Lisbon

Reference material:

1)      Meijerink, A.M.J. 2007. Remote Sensing Applications to Groundwater. HIP-IV, Series on Groundwater, N. 16. Available online for free at: http://www.hydrology.nl/ihppublications/140-remote-sensing-applications-to-groundwater.html

2)      Campbell, J.B. 2011. Introduction to Remote Sensing. The Guilford Press. Also available online searching well in Google

3)      Travaglia, C. and Dainelli, N.,2003. Groundwater search by remote sensing: A methodological approach. FAO, Environment and Natural Resources Working Paper No. 13. Available online

4)      Some chapters from: Smith, M., Paron, P., & Griffiths, J., 2011. Geomorphological Mapping methods and applications. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

5)      Several papers on the topics of (Ground)water Remote Sensing

Field trip São Domingos Mine (Iberian Pyrite Belt)

20 dezembro 2017, 17:14

Notes PPAS2017_CLASS_No_9_Redox processes

20 dezembro 2017, 17:12

Corpo Docente

Maria Teresa Condesso de Melo